Change breeds Change!
Being the CHANGE.

• Humanitarian • Educator • Entrepreneur • Author
About me
It was my 10th birthday, my dad asked me - “Who do you want to be when you grow up?
I quickly closed my eyes and shouted all cliché and bold professions, but then I took a deep breath and added – “I want to be a Changemaker”.
And on every birthday my dad checked on me, my desires kept changing every year like my birthday cakes but there is one thing that stood like a bedrock. And here I am as a Change-maker and it’s time to re-imagine how we educate.
Epic Education, Empowers.
Be the leader,
You would follow.

My Work
Life is too short to play small, so play big.
His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama says, “Inner change creates outer change.”
I had a choice to make. A complacent desk job or to live a life with purpose.
I chose to challenge my status quo and I quit my job. The path towards self-transformation was not easy, but it has been worth it.
In the process, I have become stronger, as my entire life depended on it.
Today, I am a Social Entrepreneur, Educator, Author and an Activist on a mission to uplift humanity. I educate to inspire leaders. I write books that help people become better human beings, to live consciously, to love mother earth and work on compelling ideas that make a difference.
I co-founded 2 start-ups and 1 NGO that aims to spread positivity. I thrive on a mission to achieve global goals on Education, Inclusion & Global warming by 2030.
This is clearly the deciding moment of human evolution.
Co-founded 2 Social Startups & 1 NGO
To Make A True Difference In The World